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Tristan Bourget studied the cello under the direction of Isabelle Veyrier at the Conservatoire de Créteil, where he received a DEM (Diploma of Musical Studies) in cello playing and in music training. He then continued his cello training under the tutelage of Florian Lauridon at the Pôle Sup 93, where he was awarded a DNSPM (Higher National Diploma for Professional Musicians) and a DE (State Diploma for Music Teaching). At the same time, he pursued his studies at the Sorbonne University, where he obtained a master’s degree in musicology.

He continued his studies with Emmanuelle Bertrand.

He has also attended numerous master classes, especially conducted by Hélène Dautry, Valérie Aimard, Xavier Gagnepain and David Simpson.

He is working in collaboration with several composers such as Graciane Finzi, Guillaume Connesson, Alexandros Markeas and Allain Gaussin.


Because of his passion for musical ensembles, he took part several times in the county chamber music encounters hosted in Ivry-sur-Seine and Argenteuil. He was also leader of the cello section or soloist in symphony orchestras, playing within the European Youth Orchestra Hector Berlioz under the conductor François-Xavier Roth, and within the National Orchestra of Île-de-France, under Enrique Mazzola. He has taken part in concerts of Baroque music, played live for cinema screenings, and performed a tribute to Velvet Underground at the Cité de la Musique/Philharmonie de Paris.


He is a current member of the New International Philharmonia Orchestra and of the musical ensembles A-letheia and Acceso. He also gives concerts as part of a duo with a pianist and in other formations, mainly in the Paris region. He is a winner of the concerto competition held by the CRR of Aubervilliers.

His keenness to make classical music more accessible has lead him to perform in kindergartens and primary schools in order to present his instrument and to speak about classical music. He has also played in hospitals, in the palliative care and geriatrics units. 

He is currently teaching the cello at the conservatoire of Dugny and at the Maison associative of Fontenay-sous-Bois.

He has also composed several pieces and arrangements, and written musical tales for children.

He plays on a cello custom-made for him by Jean-Louis Prochasson.

Biographie de Tristan Bourget
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